Species key
An interactive species key will be presented here once data analyses are finalized, which will stay take a bit of time. For now I can only recommend to use the latest species keys by Seevers (1965) and Borgmeier (1961) - please contact me if you need help.
As pointed out in the project objectives, however, species identifications are difficult with existing keys. It is my goal to provide a more easily usable, robust species key. For each step in the key, I will provide visual illustrations of characters by integrating a combination of drawings, high-quality 2-D images and 3-D models, exemplifying the differences of presented characters. For now I only present the characters allowing to sort specimens into four distinct Vatesus groups - a distinction suggested by Borgmeier and Seevers.

Separation of Vatesus beetles into four distinct groups. Illustrations are adapted from Seevers and Borgmeier. The provisional sketch of hypomeral ventral view will be updated with more realistic drawings in the near future. Photos of slide-mounted material shows ventral view of V. gigas (group I) and V. rettenmeyeri (group II). Photos were kindly provided by S. Yamamoto. The number of formally described species as well as published host genus records are given for each group.